पर्सनल फायनान्स - भाग ८ - बिहेवियरल इकॉनॉमिक्स

भाग १...भाग २...भाग ३...भाग ४...भाग ५...भाग ६...भाग ७...

भाषांतराचे काम सुरू आहे. <अपूर्ण>

डॅनियल काहनेमन आणि आमोस ट्वेर्स्की यांनी १९७९ मध्ये प्रॉस्पेक्ट थिअरी मांडली. उपलब्ध पर्यायांपैकी कुठला पर्याय निवडायचा, हा आपला निर्णय नेहमीच रॅशनल (मराठी? - तत्वतः अचूक?) नसतो, तर ते पर्याय आपल्यासमोर कसे मांडले आहेत, त्यानुसार आपण तो निर्णय घेतो, असे त्यांचे म्हणणे होते.

Earlier, psychophysical theory suggested that if you want to study the subjective value of wealth, you should ask direct questions about wealth, not about changes in wealth. However, later, Harry Markowitz proposed a theory in which utilities were attached to changes of wealth rather than states of wealth.

पुढील उदाहरण बघू:
तुम्ही पुढील २ पर्यायातून दर वेळी काय निवडाल?
प्रश्न १) $९०० हमखास जिंकणार किंवा ९०% शक्यता तुम्ही $१००० जिंकणार?
ठरवले का उत्तर....?

प्रश्न २) $९०० हमखास हरणार किंवा ९०% शक्यता तुम्ही $१००० हरणार?
ठरवले का उत्तर....?

थांबा.... विचार करा... उत्तर बघू नका.

In 1) most people would have chosen sure thing. The risk-averse choice would not have surprised Bernoulli. The risk seeking choice in 2) is mirror image of problem 1). The (negative) value of losing $900 is much more than 90% of the (negative) value of losing $1000. In this case, people however prefer to gamble. Kahneman & Tversky noticed that people become risk seeking when all their options are bad. They also noticed that people had different attitudes to risk for gains and losses.

आता पुढील प्रश्न बघा:
प्रश्न ३) तुमच्याकडे जे काही पैसे आहेत, त्याशिवाय तुम्हाला $१००० दिले
मग तुम्हाला सांगितले की पुढीलपैकी १ पर्याय निवडा.
५०% शक्यता तुम्ही $१००० जिंकणार किंवा $५०० हमखास जिंकणार
ठरवले का उत्तर....?

प्रश्न ४) तुमच्याकडे जे काही पैसे आहेत, त्याशिवाय तुम्हाला २००० रुपये दिले
मग तुम्हाला सांगितले की पुढीलपैकी १ पर्याय निवडा.
५०% शक्यता तुम्ही $१००० हरणार किंवा $५०० हमखास हरणार
ठरवले का उत्तर....?

थांबा.... विचार करा... उत्तर बघू नका.

पहिल्या प्रश्नात बहुतेकांनी सांगितले की ते हमखास मिळणारे $५०० निवडतील.
दुसर्‍या प्रश्नात बहुतेकांनी सांगितले की ते "५०% शक्यता तुम्ही $१००० हरणार" ही शक्यता निवडतील. म्हणजेच ते ५०% चान्स घ्यायला तयार होते.

याचा अर्थ काय? आपल्याला जिंकायला आवडते, हरायला आवडत नाही. - आणि हरणे हे जिंकण्यापेक्षा अजून आवडत नाही.

Prospect theory contends that people value gains and losses differently, and, as such, will base decisions on perceived gains rather than perceived losses. Thus, if a person were given two equal choices, one expressed in terms of possible gains and the other in possible losses, people would choose the former - even when they achieve the same economic end result.

According to prospect theory, losses have more emotional impact than an equivalent amount of gains.

In Bernoulli's theory you need to know only the state of wealth to determine its utility. But in Prospect theory, you also need to know the reference state. Prospect theory is therefore more complex than utility theory.

The graph shows psychological value of gains and losses which are "carriers" of value in Prospect theory (unlike Bernoulli's theory in which states of wealth are carriers of value).

It is S shaped curve which represents diminishing sensitivity for both gains and losses.

Finally, the two curves of S shape are not symmetrical. The slope of the function changes abruptly at the reference point: the response to losses is stronger than response to corresponding gain. This is loss aversion.

- The usual reference point is the status quo, but it can also be the outcome that you expect or the outcome for which you feel entitled for example: the raise or bonus that your colleagues receive. Outcomes that are better than reference point are gains. Below the reference point they are losses.

- Subjective difference between $900 and $1000 is much smaller than the difference between $100 and $200

- The third principle is loss aversion. Losses loom larger than gains.This asymmetry has evolutionary history. Organisms that treat threat have a better chance to survive and reproduce. But remember that many times you have the option NOT to accept the gamble.

Loss aversion:

Many of the options we face in life are "mixed": there is a risk of loss and an opportunity for gain and we must decide whether to accept the gamble or reject it.

Problem 5) You are offered a gamble on the toss of a coin.

If the coin shows tails, you lose $100

If the coin shows heads, you win $150

Is this attractive? Would you accept it?

To make the choice, you must balance "psychological benefit" of getting $150 against psychological cost of losing $100. Although, the expected value of gamble is positive, you may reject it. Fear of losing $100 is more intense than hope of gaining $150

To measure the extent of your aversion, ask yourself a question. What is the smallest gain I need to balance an equal chance to lose $100? For many people, the answer is $200, twice as much as the loss. The "loss aversion ratio" has been estimated in several experiments is usually in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 This is average and may vary. Risk takers in financial market are more tolerant of losses, probably because they do not respond emotionally to every fluctuation.

This theory also explains following 2 things:

- In mixed gambles, where both a gain and a loss is possible, loss aversion causes extremely risk-averse choices.

- In bad choices, where a sure loss is compared to a larger loss that is merely probable, diminishing sensitivity causes risk seeking.

Limitations of Prospect theory:

- Prospect theory cannot deal with disappointment.

A. one chance in million to win $1 million

B. 90% chance to win $12 and 10% chance to win nothing

C. 90% chance to win $1 million and 10% chance to win nothing

Winning nothing is possible in all 3 gambles and prospect theory assigns "same" value to that outcome. Winning nothing is reference point and its value is zero. In first 2 cases, assigning it a zero value makes good sense. But failing to win in third case is considered huge disappointment. High probability of winning the large sum sets up tentative new reference point. (Like a salary that has been promised informally.) Relative to your expectations, winning nothing is considered a huge loss. But Prospect theory cannot deal with disappointment.

- Prospect theory and utility theory fail to allow for regret.

Problem 6) Choose between 90% chance to win $1 million or $50 with certainty

Problem 7) Choose between 90% chance to win $1 million or $150,000 with certainty.

Failing to win is a disappointment in both, but potential pain in problem 7) is compounded. In regret, the experience of outcome depends on an option you could have adopted, but did not.

To conclude:

The complexity of prospect theory was more acceptable in the competition with expected utility theory because it did predict observations that expected utility theory could not. Prospect theory could explain concepts of reference point and loss aversion. It also captures the idea that people tend to overreact to small probability events, but under react to large probabilities. Danial Kahneman won Nobel Prize in Economics for this theory in 2002. Unfortunately, Tversky had died in 1996, so he could not be awarded Nobel Prize.


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रॅशनल (मराठी? - तत्वतः अचूक?)

रॅशनल ची व्याख्या रॉबर्ट ऑमन यांनी केलेली आहे ती खालीलप्रमाणे. ऑमन हे गणिती आहेत (त्यामुळे पुलं म्हणतात तसे - आमचा अज्ञानापोटी आलेला नम्र प्रणाम). व Center for the Study of Rationality, and Department of Mathematics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel मधे संचालक आहेत. मी असं ऐकलंय की ते पूर्वी एमायटी मधे होते.

रॅशनल - A person’s behavior is rational if it is in his best interests, given his information.

ऑमन यांना २००५ चे अर्थशास्त्राचे नोबेल मिळाले. नोबेल मिळाल्यावर त्यांना आपले संशोधनात्मक निष्कर्ष थोडक्यात मांडण्याची संधी दिली जाते. ते भाषण इथे वाचता येईल. पृष्ठ क्र. २ वर ही व्याख्या दिलेली आहे.

आणि ही व्याख्या वापरताना नेहमीच आमचा क्लीन बोल्ड होतो. कारण व्याख्येप्रमाणे जायचे म्हंटले तर ...


काहनेमन यांनी "बाऊंडेड रॅशनॅलिटी" ची संकल्पना उचलून धरलेली आहे. त्या संकल्पनेचे जनक "हर्बर्ट सायमन" (नोबेल १९७८) आहेत. व तिची एक व्याख्या ऑलिव्हर विल्यमसन (नोबेल २००९) यांनी केलेली आहे.

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रॅशनल = विवेकपूर्ण/विवेकी?

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आत्ता हा लेख मनापासून वाचायला घेतला अन तो "स" शेपड ग्राफ दिसत नाहीये Sad
सॉलिड वाटतय Smile असे लेख येऊ द्यात. मेंदूला खाद्य मिळते.

ही खालची विसंगती कळली.

Kahneman and Tversky started their research investigating apparent anomalies and contradictions in human behavior.For example, as Kahneman says, people may drive across town to save $5 on a $15 calculator but not drive across town to save $5 on a $125 coat.

अन हा खालचा उतारा कळला. -

To understand prospect theory, you need to know what it disagrees with. The villain in this drama is “expected utility theory”, a series of assumptions about human behaviour. Expected utility theory says that people are good at assessing probabilities—people know that their aeroplane (almost definitely) will not crash, so do not feel nervous about the flight. The theory also states that people experience good things or bad things equally—it is as pleasurable to find £5 on the street, as it is painful to lose £5.

Prospect theory disagrees with these two assumptions (among others). Its followers have used a barrage of psychological tests—the new vogue in economics—to reach their conclusions. The theory shows that people are in fact terrible at assessing probabilities (they are poor at “probability weighting”). People feel nervous on planes, and no amount of statistical reasoning will rid them of their anxiety. The theory also shows that people find bad things relatively worse than they find good things good (“loss aversion”). People tend to find losing £5 agonising, yet are only mildly happy to find £5 on the floor.

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वॉव! रोचक आणि माहितीपूर्ण!

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>>तुम्ही पुढील २ पर्यायातून दर वेळी काय निवडाल?
प्रश्न १) $९०० हमखास जिंकणार किंवा ९०% शक्यता तुम्ही $१००० जिंकणार?
ठरवले का उत्तर....?

प्रश्न २) $९०० हमखास हरणार किंवा ९०% शक्यता तुम्ही $१००० हरणार?
ठरवले का उत्तर....?

मी रॅशनल चॉइस म्हणुन हमखासवाले ऑप्शन निवडीन. पहिल्या प्रश्नात १००० जिंकणार ऐवजी १०००० जिंकणार असे असते तरी मी ९०० हमखास वाला ऑप्शन घेईन. हा चॉइस इररॅशनल नाही कारण ९०० हमखास जिंकणे या बेसिसवर मला काही भविष्यकालीन प्लॅनिंग करता येते. कदाचित जिंकणार या बेसिसवर करता येत नाही (करायचेच असेल तर कण्टिन्जन्सी प्लॅनिंगसुद्धा करावे लागते).

स्टॅटिस्टिकली ९०% शक्यता गुणिले १००० याची व्हॅल्यू ९०० हमखास इतकीच असली तरी प्रॅक्टिकली ती तशी नसते.

गब्बर यांनी उधृत केल्याप्रमाणे A person's behavior is rational if it is in his best interests, given his information.

बेस्ट इंटरेस्ट इज "नॉट टु लिव्ह इन फूल्स पॅराडाइज"

बेसिकली ९०% शक्यता १००० जिंकणार याचा अर्थ "काही ना काही जिंकणारच" असा होत नाही.

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ऐसीव‌रील‌ ग‌म‌भ‌न‌ इत‌रांपेक्षा वेग‌ळे आहे.
प्रमाणित करण्यात येते की हा आयडी एमसीपी आहे.

प्रश्न २ मध्ये तुम्ही हमखास $९०० हरणे पसंत कराल की ९०% शक्यता $१००० हरणे (आणि १०% शून्य पैसे हरणे) पसंत कराल?

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अ‍ॅज अ प्रॅक्टिकल पर्सन ९०० हमखास हरणे पसंत करीन. कारण पुन्हा तेच. ९०० हमखास घालवणार आहे असे मानून मी प्लॅनिंग करू शकतो. दोन्ही ऑप्शनमध्ये मला काहीतरी पैसे घालवल्यावरचे प्लॅनिंग करायचेच आहे. शिवाय कदाचित हरणार नाही या ऑप्शनसाठि कण्टिन्जन्सी प्लॅनिंग करायची गरज नाही.

कदाचित माझ्या रिस्क अ‍ॅव्हर्स स्वभावाचा भाग असेल.

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ऐसीव‌रील‌ ग‌म‌भ‌न‌ इत‌रांपेक्षा वेग‌ळे आहे.
प्रमाणित करण्यात येते की हा आयडी एमसीपी आहे.